
早稲田商2017 I

I Microsoftの共同創業者、Bill Gatesのインタビューの一部。 Interviewer: Let's talk about inequality. *1 As a person who's at the very top of the one percent, do you see this as one of the great issues of our time? *2 Bill Gates: Well, now y…

Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken | TED Talk

Today I'm going to talk about work. And the question I want to ask and answer is this: "Why do we work?" Why do we drag ourselves out of bed every morning instead of living our lives just filled with bouncing from one TED-like adventure to…

Clint Smith | TED2015  How to raise a black son in America

・動画を日本語字幕で見てから読んでもいいです。 ・下線は熟語・連語です。 ・「*」にマウスをかざすかクリックすると訳が出ます。 Growing up, I didn't always understand why my parents made me follow the rules that they did. *1 Like, why did I re…

Why Denmark dominates the World Happiness Report rankings year after year

*1のマークにマウスをかざすかクリックすると訳が出ます。 PC/スマホで読み終わったらPRINTをクリックし、印刷して紙で読みましょう。 This year’s World Happiness Report again ranks Denmark among the top three happiest of 155 countries surveyed – a…


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